Saturday, May 23, 2009

Made it to Uganda safely! The place rides went really well, they were long but they had really good movies so it wasn't bad at all. The food they gave us was pretty different though and after I tried them all ended up just eating the deserts :) It was dark when we arrived so we couldn't see much. We ride around on a big bus and they are pretty crazy drivers here so it was a little scary.
Today was the first day we were really able to see everything. Today we went on a run in the morning which was nice, then went to breakfast at the University here and met some of the students there that will be hanging out with us. They were really nice and most had 8 or more siblings and lived in villages away from the school. Their school life is very different as well and I realized that we have it pretty easy at Drake. Later we went to a rugby match and it was really intense. The fans were a little crazy.. and drunk. Also there were people walking around selling things (nuts, grasshoppers, bananas). I tried a grasshopper and it wasn't bad :) We went to the bathroom before we left and it was just a hole in the ground, that was a first.
The weather is really nice here and the city is really pretty. It is really green and warm but there is a lot of poverty and there is a lot of trash everywhere. There are a lot of really nice houses and then right next to them or across the street there are little shacks, it just seems really unorganized. It's interesting to look at all the diversity regarding the housing.
We are staying at a place called Red Chilli and they have two rooms, a kitchen, bathroom and shower, and then a main room. Rachel, Shannon and I are staying in one and two other girls (Lauren and Beth) are staying in the other. We can't drink the water so that is kinda a pain, but i'll get used to it. There are monkeys, chickens, a couple dogs, and goats on the property of our place. Also as I am writing there is a gecko on the ceiling above me. Everyone is really nice here, we were wearing name tags this morning and everyone we passed on the road would read our names and say hi, it was pretty funny. Well that's all I can really think of so far. Hope all is well out there! The internet kinda really sucks out here so I'll blog again when I get a chance!